Friday, October 31, 2008

Haunted Libraries

Ghosts in the Library! (The Haunted Library Series is Back) | Britannica Blog: "Last year about this time (just in time for Halloween), George Eberhart of the American Library Association posted on this blog a list of libraries that are said to be haunted. Now the library ghosts are back, by popular demand."

Link via Neatorama.


Librarian D.O.A. said...

Ours isn't haunted, but we get some scary customers now and then!

However, when I worked in West Virginia, the library was supposed to have been built over a graveyard and our "security man" (a Don Knott's "Ghost and Mr. Chicken" look alike) often saw the ghost of Zane Grey when he did his rounds of the lower level. So he said.

mybillcrider said...

And I, for one, believe him.