Thursday, July 01, 2010

Fox News Wants to Know

Illinois Budget Crisis | Are Libraries Necessary, or a Waste of Tax Money?: "They eat up millions of your hard earned tax dollars. It's money that could be used to keep your child's school running. So with the internet and e-books, do we really need millions for libraries?

Libraries are quiet havens for the community. They take us to other worlds. They even make us laugh. But should these institutions -- that date back to 1900 B.C. -- be on the way out?"


Gerard said...

They eat up millions of your hard earned tax dollars. It's money that could be used to keep your child's school running.

They are correct. Who needs paved roads nowadays? Anyone can get a four wheel drive.

mybillcrider said...

I hadn't thought of that!

Cap'n Bob said...

But, but, where will the bums sleep?

Brent McKee said...

The only bad thing I can think of about libraries is that numerous people get to read books without my author friends actually getting numerous royalty payments.

Dan said...

A couple years ago I read a comment somewhere, "Aren't you glad we already have librtaries? Can you imagine getting an idea like that through Congresss today?"